Ever felt lonely, rejected & down? Troublesome nights with stress? Feeling like no one really cares?
Well Jesus does, He loves you so much that He accepted all the punishments for your sins on the cross. Jesus wants you to be happy forever, Just try JESUS, He will never disappoint you. Know more >>


Why God made family?
A happy Christian family
Why Children?
Responsibilities of a family?


When can I divorce?
Can I marry after divorce?
A Christian Widow


Christian relationships
Wrong sexual relationship
Overcoming sexual desires
Homosexuality & others


Human life / animal life?
What happens during death?
What is after death?


Why am I sick?
How to be healed?
How to retain your healing
How to heal others?

Salvation is essential for eternal live, It's God's Free Gift, get saved now, click Salvation
Read the Bible daily, pray always & grow in a good Bible based Church.
For anything & everything ask Jesus, He will answer your prayers.
Know how to pray, you can also Pray for others, Support a Prayer intercessor and be blessed.

Enjoy a happy life. May God Bless you more & more.

All Glory to God!

Commandments Faith Obedience
Bible and Suicide Sex Promise & Vows
How to Pray Anger Forgiveness
Love Your Enemies Divorce Elder in church
Old Men & Women Charity Judging others
Christian way of living Work Gifts to God
Individual responsibility